Canker/Cold Sores

Canker/Cold Sores

People sometimes confuse canker sores and cold sores, but they are completely unrelated. Both can be painful, but knowing the differences can help you keep them in check.

A canker sore is typically one that occurs on the delicate tissues inside your mouth. It is usually light-colored at its base and can have a red exterior border.

A cold sore or fever blister, on the other hand, usually occurs on the outside of the mouth, usually on or near the nose or lips. A cold sore is contagious because it is caused by the herpes simplex virus, and it is usually painful and filled with fluid.

In most cases, patience is the best medicine for treating canker sores. A healthy diet and good oral hygiene are usually the best remedy, but some special rinses and anesthetics can help. Cold sores can be treated effectively with some over-the-counter topical creams; sometimes, an antiviral medication will be prescribed by your doctor.

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  • "I was enjoying the scenery of the tree & squirrels & birds through the big window in front of me and all of a sudden my dentist was working on my teeth. I was having a pleasant experience because he numbed my mouth so he could work. He fixed everything that needed fixing & sent me on my way to go home. I haven’t ever enjoyed getting dental work done in the past. This dentist provided a pleasant experience. That really made my day."
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